Famous for it’s iconic Fried Chicken, KFC (PFK) has been serving fast food in Canada for over 60 years since 1955 and here you can find the prices of all their menu items in Québec from Chicken buckets to Sandwiches to Desserts.
Repas Méga-Boîte / Big Boxes
Menu Item | Price |
Fameux sandwich au poulet de PFK en ultime boîte-repas / KFC Famous Chicken Chicken Ultimate Box Meal | CAN$ 16.89 |
BOÎTE SANDWICH 2BT / Double Tender Sandwich Box | CAN$ 12.06 |
BOÎTE Sans Os / Boneless Box | CAN$ 14.59 |
BOÎTE 4 MORCEAUX DE POULET / 4 Piece Chicken Box | CAN$ 14.94 |
BOÎTE SUPER CROQUE / Big Crunch Sandwich Box | CAN$ 14.59 |
BOÎTE ZINGER DIABOLIK / Wicked Zinger Sandwich Box | CAN$ 14.59 |
BOÎTE SUPER CROQUE DOUBLE / Big Crunch Stacker Box | CAN$ 17.81 |
Sandwichs et wraps / Sandwiches & Wraps
Menu Item | Price |
Le Fameux sandwich de PFK / KFC Famous Chicken Chicken Sandwich | CAN$ 9.07 |
Combo Le Fameux sandwich de PFK / KFC Famous Chicken Chicken Sandwich Combo | CAN$ 12.06 |
SANDWICH À BASE DE PLANTES À LA CARTE / Plant-Based Sandwich | CAN$ 9.19 |
COMBO SANDWICH À BASE DE PLANTES / Plant-Based Sandwich Combo | CAN$ 12.06 |
SANDWICH BÂTONNETS TENDRES / Double Tender Sandwich | CAN$ 6.89 |
COMBO SANDWICH BÂTONNETS TENDRES / Double Tender Sandwich Combo | CAN$ 9.76 |
WRAP TWISTER GRILLÉ / Toasted Twister | CAN$ 8.61 |
COMBO TWISTER / Toasted Twister Combo | CAN$ 12.06 |
COMBO ZINGER / Zinger Sandwich Combo | CAN$ 12.06 |
Poulet Sans Os / Boneless Chicken
Menu Item | Price |
Combo Poulet Pop-Corn / Popcorn Chicken Combo | CAN$ 10.68 |
Combo 3 Bâtonnets Tendres Recette Originale / 3 Piece Original Recipe Tenders Combo | CAN$ 11.72 |
COMBO DE POULET SANS OS / Boneless Combo | CAN$ 13.44 |
Combos de poulet Recette Originale / Original Recipe Chicken
Menu Item | Price |
COMBO 2 MORCEAUX DE POULET / 2 Piece Chicken Combo | CAN$ 10.91 |
COMBO 3 MORCEAUX DE POULET / 3 Piece Chicken Combo | CAN$ 12.64 |
COMBO 4 MORCEAUX DE POULET / 4 Piece Chicken Combo | CAN$ 13.44 |
Barils Recette Originale / Original Buckets
Menu Item | Price |
Baril 6 morceaux et 2 accompagnements format grand / 6 Piece Bucket and 2 Large Sides | CAN$ 28.74 |
Baril 10 morceaux et 3 accompagnements format grand / 10 Piece Bucket and 3 Large Sides | CAN$ 40.24 |
Baril 14 morceaux et 4 accompagnements format grand / 14 Piece Bucket and 4 Large Sides | CAN$ 51.74 |
Baril 18 morceaux et 5 accompagnements format grand / 18 Piece Bucket and 5 Large Sides | CAN$ 60.94 |
Baril 6 Morceaux / 6 Piece Bucket | CAN$ 20.11 |
Baril 10 Morceaux / 10 Piece Bucket | CAN$ 29.31 |
Baril 14 Morceaux / 14 Piece Bucket | CAN$ 36.79 |
Baril 18 Morceaux / 18 Piece Bucket | CAN$ 43.69 |
Célèbres barils / Famous Buckets
Menu Item | Price |
Vari-barils / Variety Bucket | CAN$ 45.99 |
Baril sans os / Boneless Bucket | CAN$ 34.49 |
Collations / Snacks
Menu Item | Price |
BARIL SUR LE POUCE – PAIN PLAT KENTUCKY / Go Bucket / Kentucky Flatbread | CAN$ 6.31 |
BARIL SUR LE POUCE – 2 BÂTONNETS TENDRES RECETTE ORIGINALE / Go Bucket / 2 Original Recipe Tenders | CAN$ 6.31 |
BARIL SUR LE POUCE – POULET POP-CORN / Go Bucket – Popcorn Chicken | CAN$ 6.31 |
POUTINE / Poutine | CAN$ 6.54 |
POUTINE POP-CORN / Popcorn Chicken Poutine | CAN$ 8.27 |
PAIN PLAT KENTUCKY / Kentucky Flatbread | CAN$ 3.67 |
POULET POP-CORN PETIT FORMAT / Small Popcorn Chicken | CAN$ 7.81 |
3 BÂTONNETS TENDRES RECETTE ORIGINALE / 3 Original Recipe Tenders | CAN$ 8.73 |
3 MORCEAUX DE POULET / 3 Piece Chicken | CAN$ 9.88 |
Accompagnements et boissons / Sides & drinks
Menu Item | Price |
FRITES / Fries | CAN$ 2.29 |
POUTINE / Poutine | CAN$ 6.54 |
POUTINE POP-CORN / Popcorn Chicken Poutine | CAN$ 8.27 |
SAUCE / Gravy | CAN$ 2.86 |
SALADE DE CHOU MAISON / Homestyle Coleslaw | CAN$ 2.86 |
SALADE DE MACARONI / Macaroni Salad | CAN$ 2.86 |
SALADE DE POMMES DE TERRE / Potato Salad | CAN$ 2.86 |
MAÏS ASSAISONNÉ RECETTE ORIGINALE / Original Recipe Seasoned Corn | CAN$ 2.86 |
PEPSI DIÈTE / Diet Pepsi | CAN$ 2.63 |
Trempettes / Dips
Menu Item | Price |
TREMPETTE RANCH CRÉMEUSE / Buttermilk Ranch Dip | CAN$ 0.35 |
BBQ SUCRÉE ET FUMÉE / Sweet and Smokey BBQ Dip | CAN$ 0.35 |
MIEL MOUTARDE FAÇON DU SUD / Carolina Honey Mustard Dip | CAN$ 0.35 |
PRUNES FAÇON DU SUD / Southern Plum Dip | CAN$ 0.35 |
Menu Item | Price |
BISCUIT AUX PÉPITES DE CHOCOLAT / Chocolate Chunk Cookie | CAN$ 1.37 |
6 BISQUITES AUX PÉPITES DE CHOCOLAT / 6 Chocolate Chunk Cookies | CAN$ 6.31 |
Brownie S’more de PFK / KFC S’more Brownie | CAN$ 3.21 |
Paquet de 4 brownies S’more de PFK / 4 pack of KFC S’more Brownie | CAN$ 8.96 |

FAQs on KFC Menu in Québec
What are the opening hours of KFC Québec?
KFC restaurants are open from 11.00am to 9.00pm in Québec.
What is the cheapest item on KFC menu in Québec?
The cheapest item on KFC menu is Kentucky Flatbread for CAN$ 3.67
What is the most expensive item on KFC menu in Québec?
The most expensive item on KFC menu is the 18 Piece Bucket and 5 Large Sides for CAN$ 60.94
About KFC
KFC was founded in 1930 by Harland Sanders, and has since become one of the most popular restaurant chains in the world. However, the famous chicken brand did not make its way to Canada until 1955. Since then, they have grown to become one of the most popular restaurants in Canada, with more than 600 locations across the country. The restaurant has become so popular that people outside North America even recognize its name as an internationally recognized synonym for deep-fried chicken!
Popular KFC Menus in Canada
Food Culture in Québec
Are you planning to visit Quebec City soon? If so, then you’re in luck! Quebec City has some of the best restaurants in all of Canada, and with its high concentration of famous chefs, it’s no wonder that the city has become so well-known for its incredible food culture. If you’re visiting on business or pleasure, then there are many ways to immerse yourself in the incredible food culture of Quebec City like never before.
What are the most popular fast food menus in Québec?
Whether you live in the city of Québec or are planning to visit, it’s important to know where you can find the best food when your tummy starts grumbling! We’ve put together this list of the most popular fast food restaurant menus in Québec, so you’ll always have something quick and easy to grab on the go! Bon appétit!
About the Author

When you search for the latest and most accurate menus and prices in Canada, it’s so difficult to find the right one. Most of them are outdated and the items are not longer available on the menu and others show pricing for the US menus but they are different from Canada. That’s why I have created this website so you can find all your favorite menus and prices in Canada at one place. If you find any discrepancies in the above prices, please feel free to contact me.