Greco Pizza is a Canadian Pizza restaurant chain with 100+ locations throughout Quebec, Ontario and Atlantic Provinces. Here’s their menu with over 200 items and prices.
Greco Pizza restaurants are open from 8.00am to 8.00pm in Canada.
What is the cheapest item on Greco Pizza’s menu in Canada?
The cheapest item on Greco Pizza menu is Gourmet Cookie for CAN$ 1.24
What is the most expensive item on Greco Pizza’s menu in Canada?
The most expensive item on Greco Pizza menu is the Party Donair Pizza for CAN$ 35.19
Does Greco Pizza deliver with Uber Eats in Canada?
Yes. Greco Pizza delivers with Uber Eats in Canada and can cost between CAN$ 3.99 – 5.99 for the delivery.
How many locations does Greco Pizza have?
Greco Pizza have 100+ locations in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic provinces and is the largest pizza chain in Atlantic Canada.
How many pieces are in a Greco party pizza?
A Greco party pizza has 24 slices and costs CAN$ 35.19
What are the most popular Pizza chains in Canada?
Canadians love pizza almost as much as they love poutine. There are thousands of pizza restaurants across the country, but only a few have managed to climb to the top of the chain and become household names when it comes to pizza in Canada. These are the 10 most popular pizza chains in Canada that can be found across the country.
The Greco Pizza chain, founded in Moncton over 40 years ago, has grown to over 100 locations across Canada from Toronto to Nova Scotia. Since its beginnings in the late 1970s, the Greco Pizza chain has earned an impressive reputation as one of Canada’s best pizza chains, with a growing number of loyal customers who keep coming back to enjoy fresh-baked pizza pies at affordable prices and their 24 slice party pizza is a fan favorite.
Some lesser known Pizza places in Canada
Pizza is one of the world’s most popular foods, so it’s no surprise that Canada has its fair share of pizza restaurants that have carved out their own niche in the industry.
Pizza Delight – A franchise in Canada with 95 restaurants present in Ontario and Atlantic provinces
241 Pizza – Mainly found in Southern Ontario but also in Newfoundland, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan
Pizzaville – This chain is found in Toronto and offer a variety of pizzas including Gluten-free options
Pizzaiolo – Toronto based restaurant chain with 41 restaurants serving Italian style pizza
Greco Pizza – Found in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic provinces and is the biggest pizza chain in Atlantic Canada
Houston Pizza – A small pizza chain based in Saskatchewan established in 1970 and has 6 outlets
When you search for the latest and most accurate menus and prices in Canada, it’s so difficult to find the right one. Most of them are outdated and the items are not longer available on the menu and others show pricing for the US menus but they are different from Canada. That’s why I have created this website so you can find all your favorite menus and prices in Canada at one place. If you find any discrepancies in the above prices, please feel free to contact me.