Benny’s Restaurant is a low cost fine dining restaurant in Brandon, Canada and here you can find the prices of all their menu items in Canada from Salads to Sandwiches to Burgers.
What are the opening hours of Benny’s Restaurant Canada?
Benny’s Restaurant restaurants are open from 11.00am to 9.00pm on weekdays, 4.00pm to 9.00pm on Saturdays and closed on Sundays in Canada.
What is the cheapest item on Benny’s Restaurant’s menu in Canada?
The cheapest item on Benny’s Restaurant menu is Cheese toast for CAN$ 6
What is the most expensive item on Benny’s Restaurant’s menu in Canada?
The most expensive item on Benny’s Restaurant menu is the Jhlor Cabernet Sauvignon for CAN$ 75
About Benny’s Restaurant
Benny’s Restaurant in Brandon, Canada has served delicious food to its customers since it opened in Brandon. One of the best restaurants in the city, Benny’s takes pride in both the quality of its food and service to its patrons.
Alternatives to Benny’s Restaurant in Canada
Do you love Benny’s Restaurant but can’t make it there because you live too far away? Don’t worry – we’ve got your back! We’ve put together a list of nearby restaurants that serve dishes similar to what you would find at Benny’s Restaurant, so you can enjoy great food without making the long drive to get there.
When you search for the latest and most accurate menus and prices in Canada, it’s so difficult to find the right one. Most of them are outdated and the items are not longer available on the menu and others show pricing for the US menus but they are different from Canada. That’s why I have created this website so you can find all your favorite menus and prices in Canada at one place. If you find any discrepancies in the above prices, please feel free to contact me.